Star Trek: Dark Frontiers - The Transcripts
The Transcripts

The Seasons

Season 2: Soldier Spy

written by Mythheart (Kyte/Ellion)

Season 3: Undivine Trinity

written by CmdrCory (Xanatos)

Season 4: Descent

written by OptimusBorg (Admiral Merrick)

Season 5: Deception

written by CmdrCory (Xanatos)

Star Trek: Dark Frontiers was a chatroom based RPG. Normal sim times were at 10PM CST every Friday.
The stories, ideas and pictures contained herein are the properties of their respective creators.
Use of said items without the express written consent of the Dark Frontiers, LTD (c) staff is prohibited.
Star Trek is a registered trademark and copyrighted of and by Paramount Pictures.
No copyright infringements are intended.
If you are interested in joining the next incarnation of the Dark Frontiers saga,
please send an e-mail to for more information.